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Let's introduce you to the team

Commonplace facilitates this conversation on behalf of the team made up of the organisations listed here. The information you provide will only be used for the purposes stated in each organisation’s privacy policy.
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Our Newcastle

We are developing plans to improve neighbourhoods across the city, aimed at reducing traffic on local streets. With less vehicles cutting or speeding through streets the area will be more attractive and safer for people who live there and for children to play. These types of changes also encourage more people to walk and cycle on short local journeys, which is good for everybody.

Read Our Newcastle privacy policyPrivacy policy link

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Newcastle City Council

Newcastle City Council has initiated this Commonplace website. We will use the data from it to inform our transport and public realm policies and plans for adapting to the need for social distancing and for the longer terms.

Read Newcastle City Council privacy policyPrivacy policy link

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Commonplace connects you to the people who create the places where you live, work and play. A platform to speak and be heard by developers, councils, and public bodies to initiate better decisions and places for all.

Read Commonplace privacy policyPrivacy policy link